Monday, August 01, 2005

"Hidden Behind the Powers of the Blue Ring" is a fast fiction based on visual inspiration which has come to me courtesy of Joey Drechsler-Martell.
joey dmRing (Blue) Enjoy..


"Oh. My. God ! I haven't seen you in ages !! How have you been ?!" Tommy's mom stretched her braceletted arms out to embrace his cousin. The two women shook squeaking sounds out of each other as their bodies teetered back and forth in giddy excitement. All around them other relatives got caught up on love and work, lost and found. The newlyweds - the apparent centerpiece of the occasion - had gone off to get post-ceremony photos taken and were all but forgotten.

Tommy held his hands up to his face in shame.

"Have. I. Ever. Missed. You ! What have you been doing ?" Tommy's mom shrieked through a mouth gaping open with pristine white molars.

Tommy stayed frozen behind his hands and a blue ring which was an investment of hope against horror. He had bought it in an antiques shop under a spell of belief that it had the potential for magic and would transport him into another world. He just needed to supply the power. He needed to believe another reality into place.

"You. Look. So. Great ! Wow, we've got so much catching up to do," she continued to giggle.

I. Must. Believe. Tommy thought to himself.

"It. Has. Been. A. Blast !! I guess I'll see you you at the next family function," his mom said, concluding a conversation she had repeated countless times that afternoon.

I. Must. Believe. Tommy thought to himself, repeating his well worn mantra, dreaming into his magical blue ring of a family where people talked about something that mattered.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, that's exactly what that's a picture of...

Well no, I was avoiding a picture across the table at junior prom when somebody I didn't see got this one from another angle. The black and white with the colorized ring came about while playing with my digital imaging software in a brief attempt to Sin City-ize my photo gallery.

But that's way less cool than the story. Might I add you are an exceptional writer.

7:01 PM  

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