Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"MICROBIANS" is a fast foray into the fray of story-telling based on the an image (and it's accompanying title) by Gabriel Suchowolski, a multi-talented man whose work can be seen at cocoe, whose play can be found at microbians and whose editing can be witnessed at newstoday. So here's his handiwork which is entitled Microbians. (Or at least that's the name of his ultra-rad site.)


We dress in these cute suits to fool you, people of earth. You do not realize that these are the suits which allow us to shrink to impossibly small sizes and then enter your bloodstream where the real damage is done.

Fuck War of the Worlds. Those aliens were pussies. We tried to get tickets to these things you call movies but we weren't allowed in because they claimed we needed "i.d's". We snuck in anyway inside the bloodstream of an obese "used car salesman" named Mark. The destruction of everyone else besides this "used car salesman" and Tom Cruise will be our revenge. We shall allow these two men to "fall in love", reproduce and replenish the planet. It only seems fair.

Originally we came to wipe out all emus, a ridiculous species that we've always hated. We are still going to wipe them out but only after we've gotten into all of your bloodstreams.

So anyway, prepare to die people of the earth.


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